I hate waiting!!!!
CG to Maite :"have you noticed that the motel is paited with the colors of the Spanish flag? ;-)"
the room:
- Pink with a mirror on the ceilling and no duvet
- a Porn channel on TV
Sunday: beach!
So tired to go to the beach we just spent the morning in front of the hotel. No that bad!
our hotel
Already time to go. Ritual pic @ the airport
Well done: it rained a lot!!!
Under a bus shelter we waited until the rained stopped. We talked with a nice woman who gave us some tips on the city. No shopping tips as all shops are closed since 12:00 on Saturday :-(
By the way Mimi (Maite): Montevideo is not in front of Buenos, toc!
Maite: “I could not tell the difference btw the accent in Montevideo and in Buenos Aires. Is there any difference?” the woman: “no there is no difference really, except that Argentineans are more “cocky” (gde gueule), that might be because they have more Italian migrants”. Notice that I am not the one who said it!
The woman “the real difference is that a Uruguayan always carries his Mate tea everywhere”. I guess there is some strong addictive substance in it because one has to be totally crazy to carry a cup and a big thermos everywhere.
Being absolutely soaked, we decided to end our day at 5pm and go to sleep, so 5 hours of Montevideo!
Maite: “My friends are going to say that I am crazy for coming to Montevideo to sleep. What am I going to do without you Mimi (=me)?”
CG: “To go abroad and spend the whole day in bed at the hotel, well if you don’t have me, you can find yourself a BOYFRIEND”.
10pm Woke up. Put the TV on. CG “shall we go clubbing?” The idea of facing that bloody rain didn’t quite motivate us. We end up by watching TV and drinking beer, what a nice pyjama party!
I liked that pic, so I got it
Maite always takes pictures of the names of the streets to remember the monuments/areas she pictured
Well me too
(Petites pensées pr mes 3 petits crapeaux: Inès, Astride et la petite Chloé que j'allais chercher à l'école et reconduisais chez elles, 47 Rue Pigalle, avec arrêt de bus devant un sex shop: Chloé 3 ans à Inès 7 ans: "Dit Inès prq Maman elle est pas venue ds ce magasin (= un sex shop avec des chaussures de travelos) pr s'acheter des chaussures à talon?" Inès:"Parce qu'elle préfère les chaussures plates de chez Chanel")