jeudi 31 mai 2007
Calamity Ferdi!
The team has been split in 2, I am in Normandy with Felix and Deborah is with the Team-Leader, Ferdi.
Debs wrote:
"Ca va à D...? Tout se passe bien? Tu dis qu'il pleut pas, je te crois pas ici, ici il fait trop moche aujourd'hui.
Tu veux que je t'en raconte une bien drôle. Hier on a oublié de mettre de l'essence dans la voiture, du coup elle est tombée en panne sur l'autoroute ;-) c'est bête, non? On a attendu 1h sur un pont, avant qu'un dépanneur vienne nous sauver. Heureusement il faisait chaud, alors on a pris un peu l'air. Et du coup au lieu de mettre 10 minutes pour rentrer du travail, on a mis 2 heures. Voilà!"
Last Week my team-lead forgot where he parked his car. We had to go around the town for 15 minutes. Then when we eventually found it, we drove (with an other car) to the office where he thought he had left the key... the key was in his bag on the boot of the car we were driving.
Last WE he left too late, drove as fast as he could, not without being caught by a French radar, and missed his planed by 10 minutes :-( He bought an other air-ticket. Expensive WE to see the boss (that's how he calls his girlfriend).
WE Barcelona
@ Orly: bloody French and their smelly cheese!
vendredi 25 mai 2007
Week 2 in Dieppe
Trying to find a restaurant by Dieppe. Got lost… Manage to take these pics.
For those who don't know: I have my driving licence but I cannot drive (yeah, not everybody can!). A lot of fun and a lot of grass mowing for me ;-)
After the kart: looked for a restaurant in Dieppe for ages...
(Ferdi, Felix and Deb's by the cathedral)
Funny place to put a clock!
Funny faces!!!
lundi 21 mai 2007
Found 10 centimes! 10 centimes invested for 50 years @ 1% give 16 centimes, let’s keep on
working ;-)
Camembert Chirac and a Lindt Bunny. I promess to bring Monsieur Jean-Roger a Nesquick teddy bear if he puts a poster of Nicolas Sarko ;-)
mardi 15 mai 2007
Tuesday 15.V.06
Normandie by Delacroix
Dieppe here we are!
Who’s who? 1*
Who’s who? Again 2*
2*: Myself, Deborah and Felix and our 90Kg of luggage in our 3 red suitcases
Notice the nice auditor’s cross-refs ;-)
Nice shoes Ferdi! (my new team-leader)
CG to Ferdi: “Did you know the last time a tourist (crazy tourists) wore flip flop in August he froze to death.”
Ferdi’s sister used to be at school (in Brazil) with Ian Guedes (EHL), who got married last year with Yasmina Khan (EHL) who used to be Marc’s colleague at JPM… (see yellow polo above), who (Marc) is a colleague of Thomas (see article dinner @ Hortense) and of Julien Roques, Milena’s* husband (EHL + Price). For those who are lost, you’d better take notes because it is getting more and more complicated.
Ferdi to Felix and I : “tonight don’t sleep with your mouth open in case the alive animals you’ve just eaten try to run away.” Bloody French!
* I miss you Mimi
WE in Lausanne
Here are a few pics of my last WE in Lausanne
Friday Buzz
How to find Vincent & Co in a packed Buzz: Patrick is the one dancing on the podium Marc is the paparazzo taking a picture of the national-blue-eyed-Julio-Iglesias (=Patrick of course)!
Marc, Patrick and Vincent, friends for ever.
Vincent qui préfère être ds les bras de Morphée plutôt que ds ceux de ses groupies.
@ Buzz that night: Claire, Alex, Raph & Love is great, Vincent Steinmann, Jannick et Déborah et David de KPMG.
Arrived too late to see Michael & Florence, left too early to see Deborah from Nestlé.
Coffee with Ralf. Denise will never spend as much time with a man as with Ralf, not even with her own husband: since they were 3 they were always on the same class, went and came back from school together. Promise Ralf, if Denise left St Gallen’s uni to EHL after one semester it’s not because she was trying to escape from you ;-))
Le Lac de Lausanne (Double fuck to those who call it the Lac de Genève and who think that Lausanne is a fishermen’s village!).
C U all in September :-)
vendredi 11 mai 2007
Tips for Parents
Nicolas Godel (fou de plongée): "si j'ai une fille je l'appellerai Marine ou Océane et si c'est un garçon ce sera Omar"
Mardi C bolo + vin rouge @ H
Did not want to leave to catch my train. Slept for the last time on “le sofa de la vieille” = the most uncoffy withe leather angled sofa. Slept like a baby on my old friend (the very bloody angled sofa) and at an old friend (H)
WE à Paris
Found Place des Abesses (Montmartre)
Bravo et bonne chance à notre nouveau président :-)