Arrived at Cager Isabel in a Champañeria and found a girl cuddling Vincent. Apparently she poured wine* all over him and his eyes… Impression de déjà-vu (Vodka @ X-mas, etc.): un bon conseil Vincent, le WE oublies les lentilles, mets des lunettes avec essuie-glaces ;-)
*Vincent told Hannah, who works for luxuary car company, "viva Aston Martin".

Caïpi addiction:
Who's the boss?
Waiting for Ghassan and Nikolas to finish their fags...
Jaimiroquai? Patrick Dupont? No Vincent, who esle <;o) ?
Drinks al fresco in a fab' house converted into a club. 
Too much wine on V's shirt according to the Bastardo at the entrance. Ghassan has a briliant idea: "V wear Clara's cardigan" CG:"Ghassan I am the fashion guru, it's quite cute actually!"
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