Apéritif on the beach.
Felix, Hansjoerg, and I
Dieppe’s beach, nothing compare to Barcelona on Sunday (see below).
Saturday: lunch with Felix at Gaya (Pierre Gagnaire’s bistrot, 44 rue du Bac).
CG: “very small this chocolate cake, shall we have a Bertillon ice cream in Ile St Louis (the best ice creams in town)?”
CG: “very small this chocolate cake, shall we have a Bertillon ice cream in Ile St Louis (the best ice creams in town)?”
The tourists

Lying on a beach facing Notre-Dame and La Tour d’Argent, life is good!
Les quais de Seine et ses bouquinistes
Drink with Déborah, Laurence and Maria.
I met Maria at … when I did a summer job 2 years ago.
CG: “you work with one of the most gorgeous man on earth …”.
Maria: “he is a prick. I have an other colleague who is a lot nicer; he is Swedish, blond, blue-eyed…”
CG : “sounds like a description of my 6th neighbour XX”
Maria: “you know XX? So you are also the neighbour of my husband former girlfriend!”
Le monde est petit, surtout à Lausanne

Drink with Déborah, Laurence and Maria.
I met Maria at … when I did a summer job 2 years ago.
CG: “you work with one of the most gorgeous man on earth …”.
Maria: “he is a prick. I have an other colleague who is a lot nicer; he is Swedish, blond, blue-eyed…”
CG : “sounds like a description of my 6th neighbour XX”
Maria: “you know XX? So you are also the neighbour of my husband former girlfriend!”
Le monde est petit, surtout à Lausanne
Tube station

Suis une gde fan de la Tour Eiffel, et non N. ce pas pr son coté phallique ! Elle est belle C tt.
Learning how to swim in St-Michel’s fountain
A nurse. (St Michel)
La fierté des bougnats parisiens
Early Paris-Plage (Eglise rue de Renne)
Une chaise en papier (pr ts ceux qui ont suivi les cours de Design à l’EHL).
La Bretagne fait ses courses à Paris
Scènes Parisiennes
Street show for kids
Street show for kids
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