8:00am: Having a shower, now I know what the taxi driver meant by touching his nose: the fish market is smelly :-)
3:00pm - 8:00pm Saturday: shopping!
Forget about going to museums and parks, it's the 1st day of sales!!!!
Deb's and I's trophies:
Saturday night: back in Roppongi, a friend of Ferdi suggested we should go to a club called Feria. The funny thing is that we were there the day before... I mean it's a building with several clubs and the previous night we were on the 2nd floor... Let's say we are too damm good to find good addresses!
It was a great night. The world is asmallworld, Thank you Paolo for the invitation.
No flash, just day light :-)
Sunday 3pm, well no 5pm, never manage to wake up on time for a coffee with Florent.
The freaks: you all know that young Japanese are very... trendy. Well here is where they hang at the WE:
Display food: wherever you go to eat any type of food there is always food plastic on display
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