Ferdi: "let's climb Mont Fuji"
The 2 Japanese who are helping us on this mission: "it's pretty difficult, but actually it's OK. You have to do it during the night so you reach the top for sun rise. It takes 5 hours to go up and there are many stops so you can have breaks and then 2 hours to get down."
OK let's do it, it's going to be so much fun!!
yeah... If only I knew....
Ritual stop in Roppongi
CG: "fichtre on monte le Mont Fuji ds 12 heures"
That's the real map of the rise to the top given at the begining
23h00: departure from the 5th step
Looking good and fresh (wait and see).
When we passed the entrance we were told that on that night around 6'000 people were climbing Mont Fuji.
8th stop: 3'100m.
I never did something so physical... I wanted to give up and go down but the only way down is to reach the top
I am wearing 2 T-shirts and all the jumpers that I have but it't not enough with all this wind and the rain. Thanks god they have these fantastic combies:
3'400m. the top is only near: 3'776m
Shit it's about 4am and the sun will rise soon. We are stuck btw the 9th step and the top. It's so crowded that you have to stop 10 seconds each step you make. I have never been so tired in my life...
Very impressive: the sun rising and all Japanese shouting "Bonuzai!!!" (they shout Bonzai when something chear before sthg difficult).
with Deb's on the top eventually
Looking for the guys at the top. Where can they be? Deb's : "a tall guy by a vending machine, that's Ferdi!".
Thank you Felix for this fantastic market share research: on Mont Fuji out of 15 outlets only one sells Kit Kat or Nestlé products.
Des promesses, tjs des promesses...
Now we "just" have to go home.
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