dimanche 29 juillet 2007

Tribe to my best team-leader

Ferdi I would like to thank you for having taught me so many things and being such a great model.

Good food good life at Dieppe's beach. Notice the lovely St-Gallen University sweat-shirt
Trying Pastis for the 1st time.


1st WE in Tokyo
The boss does not like Sake

2nd WE in Tokyo

Sumo wrestling. The babe magnet and one of his 2 blue polos. (this is the one with no stains on it).

Baseball game

Market visit in Tokyo. Hiding

Ordering food in Japan is easy-pizzy for FerdiMont Fuji (St-Gallen University sweat-shirt, such a fashionale item to have, a bit like "la petite robe noire" for all Financial dudes).

I know it's just a normal picture, but doesn't Ferdi look nice!!!

WE in Kobe
A shark smile

The boss and Tomo's woman's handbag. Yes Tomo a tote is a woman's handbag

Don't hide, I will get you

Dancing queen!

Sleepy-Ferdi in a temple

Ferdi walking up a hill, yes facing that way!

Last but not least:
one of Ferdi's team-leader sent this to the whole department when the young Ferdi started his auditor life (3 years ago):

Dear All,
After now 4 hard weeks of Mission and 3 weeks of intense preparation together it seems that even the last secrets of our teammembers are now coming to light! And I believe this shocking revelation, for which we until now only had circumstancial evidence, should be shared with everybody.
My friend and colleauge, Mr Ferdinand v. K. (I knew it - this had to be a fake name) has had quite a Past. Behold:

He was in Showbiz all along... I feel honored to work with this genius of teenage US comedy...

Thank you Ferdi for this mission. I really had a terrific time and I am glad that you were my team-leader on my last mission.

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