Felix, Felix's wife, Felix's sister in law, Deb's, Ferdi, Nicolas (Ferdi's friend from St Gallen) and I
The girls loo. According to the Gaijing (foreigners in Japanese) girls, Japanese do have smaller... and Lancome maskara is the best.
Saturday: buying display food. I eventually got my sushi clock!!!!
8:30pm hotel's lobby.
Ferdi asked:"have I came back of one of you girls?"
CG:"no well it was not us...We left you there, how did you manage then?"
Ferdi:"well at the end one always manages."
Ferdi asked:"have I came back of one of you girls?"
CG:"no well it was not us...We left you there, how did you manage then?"
Ferdi:"well at the end one always manages."
Drink at Tokyo Park hotel where "Lost in Translation" film sets place.
From the bar on the 45th floor
Ferdi and his tomato juice, still recovering from last night-this morning...
Mini Cherry tomatoes on huge Ferdi's hands... scary!
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